Good attracts more of the same!

After last week's blog post about setting goals, I hope you have taken 3 minutes for yourself to map out this month. Every month I set goals for both my private and business life and I love checking off the things that happen. One of my friends always says I have a direct connection to the Universe. I just need to express a wish and it happens.

While it's not exactly that easy, most of the things on my lists get checked off and March started out with quite a few exciting opportunities, so I can't stress enough how important it is to decide what you want for your life.

Here's a very quick, yet very effective exercise that will help get you in the habit of creating a happier life. Every night, think of 3 things you are grateful for. That could be anything - a good friend, a great cup of coffee you had that day, or perhaps a positive event that you didn't expect to happen. Whatever it is, express your gratitude for it. Then, think of 3 things you would like to have happen in your life. Briefly envision them. By the time that happens I'm usually asleep, but I always end my days like that and it's become a habit I wouldn't want to miss because it works.

I hope you'll go to bed tonight, feeling excited about what is yet to be and grateful for what has come before. Good attracts more of the same, so keep your focus on positive energy.


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