Weight loss secrets of the big losers. How did they do it?

Whenever Slim & Strong or Detox participants achieve great results, people always want to know how they did it. So, I asked the winners for their deep dark secrets of how they dropped lots of body fat, gained lean muscle and created a new body. Here are their stories:

Leslie won the January evening session of Slim & Strong. She lost 7.6 lbs and 6% of her body fat (yes!). She lost 3.6% of her starting weight, gained 7.6 lbs of muscle and lost 15 lbs of pure fat.
“I was shocked to win slim and strong January!! My issue is that I enjoy food and see it more than just fuel so I needed to do something where I did not feel deprived of my favorites.  I was really focused during the week: eating a protein for breakfast and a balanced lunch or protein shake mid-day. My dinners were light and protein-rich. I worked out 3 days a week doing Slim and Strong and supplemented by going to the gym on my own at least 2-3 more times a week. I would run at least 2 miles and then do Ariane’s resistance band routines with each workout.  I did cheat on the weekends but would hit the gym hard afterwards so I wouldn't feel as guilty.  I think in order to succeed you need to know yourself and what you can handle. You can't beat yourself up every time you fall off the wagon. Just use it as a motivator to push yourself to do that extra half mile at the gym or 5 extra push-ups.” - Leslie
Gore won $500 in the Detox Challenge. He lost 9.6 lbs, 3.7% body fat, 8.6 pounds of pure fat and lost only 1 pound of muscle. He lost 5.4% of his starting weight.

“Looking back on the 21 days I will admit that I didn't work out as much as I had originally planned.  I did one boot camp session in Central Park and visited the gym only once or twice, so my success was largely due to my diet.  My typical food day started with an egg white omelette with peppers, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes, a side of turkey sausage and black coffee.  Mid morning snack was either almonds or a protein bar (the one you recommended in the nutrition workshop, Quest bars).  For lunch I had a salad, either spinach or kale-based, with a light protein such as tuna or chicken and as many vegetables as I could add.  I avoided adding any cheese, fruits and croutons, and the dressing was either olive oil or balsamic vinegar.  Mid afternoon snack was either almonds or a protein bar again.  For dinner my wife and I often cooked at home.  We made a lot of our usual meals, which were already healthy but we modified them to make them detox-friendly.  Here's a list of some of our favorites:

- Salmon Bulgogi with Shitake Mushrooms and Bok Choy
- Tuna Salad with Carrots, Celery, Dill Pickles, Red Onions, Vegan Mayo, Mustard, Olive Oil, Lemon Juice and Dill and served over greens.
- Strip Steak with Cauliflower Puree and Mushrooms.
- Shrimp Saganaki (Shrimp cooked in Tomatoes, Onions and Dill)
- Ground Chicken "Kebabs" with Onions and Peppers
- Chicken Fajitas with Onions and Peppers but without Tortillas and Cheese
- Roasted Vegetables (Cauliflower, Carrots and Asparagus) as a side” – Gore

Sarah was very excited to start the Detox because she was ready for a change. 
“I just wanted to say thank you for this experience. Even though my body fat results weren't what I wanted, I feel fantastic (and I'm pretty sure they're off anyhow). For the first time in a long time, feeling better doesn't just mean the number on the scale--it's a whole outlook. I had a cheat last night and thought, oh no, this is it, I'm backsliding, but I woke up this morning with a new determination to keep that as my one cheat this week, and got right back on track. So my reliance on numbers has also been shaken, in a good way. I signed up for a couple of dance performances so I know that I just need to keep getting stronger and fitter. Over the last few weeks I've had such good concentration, and I think it's paying off--I've been able to write more and get more done, and yesterday I found out that I got a grant I applied for--so it's paying off. I've set new weight goals for the next few months and am keeping track of how I feel. It's really nice to feel in control again.”

Nicole lost 8.2 lbs on the scale. That's 3.8% less body fat, 9.18 lbs of pure fat, she actually gained 1 lb of muscle (very hard to do on Detox!), and lost 4.9% of her original weight. 

“Honestly, I feel amazing. I sleep better, have more energy, have clearer skin, feel happier and more positive, am starting to see muscle definition....basically everything you said would happen. I'm not given this plan up any time soon. Although after January I am going to star allowing the two cheat meals back into my diet so help with social situations because I've been a bit of a hermit lately.”


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