Anthony Robbins Diet - Energize With Anthony Robbins Diet

Anthony J Mahavorick writes under the pen name of Anthony Robbins and is also known as Tony Robbins. He came up with a diet, which is much in keeping with Robert O Young's theory of alkalizing the body to stay fit. But the new diet adds to that and comes up with an entire way of life.
The Anthony Robbins diet involves a vegetarian approach to life. Robbins believes that if we do not alkalize out bodies we are heading towards our doom. Consuming alkaline vegetables and fruits are highly recommended by the plan. Avoiding eggs, animal flesh of all kinds and other such acidic foods is the way to achieve a healthy life. The Anthony Robbins diet does not simply result in weight loss but is targeted at achieving great ener
gy as well as health. When most diets of today make one feel tired and fatigued this remarkable diet is a fresh and welcome change. Going on the high protein low carb diets that are doing the rounds usually result in temporary weight loss but along with that comes permanent damage to the body as well as extreme fatigue. Tony is a health motivated man and talks of how he plans an entire life outlook rather than simply weight loss. He propagates high esteem and energy. The theory behind the Anthony Robbins diet is a collective effort on many fronts to gain complete health rather than simply concentrating on losing weight most diets are intended for only weight loss and in so focus only on weight loss. In the process one looses energy by not eating and so is prone to falling sick or simply going off the diet soon. Most diet plans also strike and the skin, hair and nails. With improper eating
these tend to loose their strength and luster like the rest of the body. But this is not the case with this diet.
Anthony Robbins diet advises one to eat vegetarian foods that are alkaline in nature so as to maintain the human body ph of 7.4. Apart from this Robbins also talks of vital breathing. Inhaling the correct way will lead to the body getting maximum oxygen from the inhaled breath. More oxygen will help create a more alkaline environment in the body and thus help in the functioning of the body. It is only when the cells are unable to release their toxins that problems occur. Oxygen will keep the cells red and round and so healthy.
Anthony Robbins diet includes not only the food we eat but also the water we drink. About three liters of alkaline water is a must for everyone wanting to reap positive benefits from Tony's diet. Without exercise the lungs do not get proper oxygen, therefore Robbins in his diet plan suggests at least four days in a week for aerobic exercises which strengthen the lungs as well as help in high oxygen intake. He also preaches goal setting and planning in order to achieve those goals.
The Anthony Robbins diet plan will take you to not only good health but also a happy and relaxed mind. You will be able to see the difference in your concentration powers as well as achieve your goals.
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