The Best Food For Weight Loss

Making a change in your diet, and fitting in the best food for weight loss can be difficult. Permanent changes are the goal when you start eating healthier, but you want your new way of eating to be exciting and flavorful. The best food for burning fat is convenient when you are on the go, keeps you fuller longer, and is satisfying. Here are some suggestions for the best food for weight loss.
Best Food for Weight Loss on the Go
You're busy, and the thought of consuming six meals a day makes your head spin. When will you have time to eat them all? Here is some of the best foods for fat loss when you don't have time to sit down.
Nuts are some of the best food for losing weight. They are a yummy snack filled with protein, fiber, and Omega 3 fats and they keep you full in between meals. Omega 3 fats have been shown to increase your metabolism so you burn fat faster. They are also easy to carry and snack on when you are on the move. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, and peanuts are some of the best food for weight loss because they contain vitamins and antioxidants needed for a healthy diet. Or, find a vending machine and grab a bag of sunflower seeds. They are rich in fiber and monounsaturated fats. Nuts are super foods that are not only the best food for weight loss, but they are also remarkable for keeping your skin fresh, young, and glowing.
Eating healthy is about planning. If you know you are going to be in meetings all day, or out and about, pack your snacks, and skip the drive-through. Raw vegetables like carrots, celery, and broccoli florets are some of the best foods for weight loss, and they are easy to eat on the go.
Best Food for Weight Loss to Keep You Full
Overeating is a sure way to gain weight. Going from big, heaping helpings to smaller portions is a complicated change to make, but if you know what to eat you might not feel the need for that second helping. The best food for weight loss to keep you full is rich in protein and fiber.
The best food for fat loss containing resistant starch is beans, bananas, potatoes, oatmeal, and whole grain breads. These foods not only keep you full, but add to your daily dietary fiber intake. Americans average about half the dietary fiber intake, daily, that is recommended. This type of dietary fiber keeps your body from storing too much fat. Eating a piece of 100 percent whole grain toast with a half teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil before a larger meal can help you feel fuller faster, and keep you from overeating. These foods are also complex carbohydrates, and the glucose in them breaks down slower providing longer lasting energy, making it some of the best food for weight loss.
Still hungry? Water based food like fruit, leafy greens, and broth soups can help you stay fuller longer as well. They are the best food for weight loss because they high in fiber, and are water-rich helping you fill up faster the healthy way. Another trick? Drink a big glass of water before your meal. It will reduce your hunger, and your food intake.
Fiber, complex carbohydrates, and resistant starches are not the only foods to keep you full. The best food for weight loss contains protein. Protein packed meals can also help to prevent overeating. The best food for weight loss in this category includes lean meats, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, fish, and nuts. Protein satisfies faster, and cuts down on hunger making you less likely to reach for that slice of cake after dinner.
Best Food for Weight Loss That Tastes Good
When you think of the best food for losing weight do you think of bland, boring foods that are going to leave you unfulfilled? Finding things you like that are healthy is the way to go when you are looking for a healthy lifestyle change. The best food for weight loss is food you enjoy, and actually want to eat. If you don't want to eat it, you won't stick to it. Here are a few suggestions.
Calcium in general is a plus for losing weight and burning fat. Calcium suppresses calcitriol, a hormone that makes fat cells bigger. You can find calcium in more than just dairy products. Most soy milks are now fortified with calcium and vitamin D, and the plant estrogen contained in soy milk increases the body's calcium absorption. Use it for shakes with fresh fruit for a healthy dessert or snack.
Oranges, grapefruits, pomegranates, and dates contain the most calcium of any of the fruits. Fruit is a natural dessert with soluble dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Fruit is amongst the best food for weight loss and nutritional value, while also satisfying your sweet tooth.
Another sweet treat can be smeared on top of apple slices, celery, or anything else you please. Almond, cashew and walnut butter is some of the best food for weight loss containing monounsaturated, heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. These are healthier alternatives to peanut butter.
Permanent changes won't happen overnight, and they are not easy to make. Fad diets don't work. They sometimes provide quick fat loss, but are not helpful, long-term. Making a change is only difficult if you are eating things you don't like, and what is the point of that? The best food for weight loss is ultimately whatever food you enjoy, but it should also be healthy and fit in to your current, busy lifestyle.
For more great tips on healthy, permanent weight loss you can subscribe to my Ultimate Body Ezine. Your subscription also includes a free copy of the "Ultimate Body Quick Start" guide and "The Top 36 Foods To Burn Fat, Build Muscle and Be Healthier." Click here to subscribe.


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