Weight Loss Is Not a Spectator Sport

If I were only allowed to give you one piece of advice and no more, it would be to keep your weight loss efforts to yourself and just get on with it.
This piece of advice flies in the face of current thinking about weight loss and how you need the support of other people... you don't.
Actually the support of a loved one is priceless and it will undoubtedly help you in your efforts to lose weight and keep it off, as for everyone else I shall now explain why you are doing yourself no favours telling everyone that you are trying to lose weight and the same rule applies to groups of people.
Let's first have a look at why telling everyone you are on a diet or trying to lose weight.is a bad idea.
As soon as everyone knows you will have the same question levelled at you on a daily basis namely "How much weight have you lost" and when you give them the answer it will be met with the reply of either "That's not much" or "That's too much you need to be careful".
Do you really need this sort of pressure, as it can potentially trigger an emotional response which you will try to satisfy with food?
Be very wary of the well-intentioned friend or relative that tells you how tired you are looking since you lost weight, or some other well-intentioned but damaging comment.
What is actually going on with the friend or family member is you are making them feel bad about not losing weight themselves and they are running a little program inside their head that goes "If I can't do it I don't want you doing it".
This is a form of sabotage that you really could do without.
Of course if you are actually looking tired and feel as weak as water, then thank them for their concern and do something about it.
Now let's have a look at losing weight within a group of people.
As our evolution dictates we are a social animal, and within a group like it or not there is a pecking order or rank, it might not be said openly... but it is there all the same.
If you start losing weight faster than other members of your group, then you are potentially at risk of sabotage from the other members of that group until order is restored so to speak, again this is pressure you do not need.
On the other hand if you don't lose weight fast enough, then the only thing that will happen is the group will try to make you feel better about your failure... as if you didn't already feel bad enough.
Unfortunately you can end up feeling sorry for yourself and then use food to fill the void, all because the numbers on a scale didn't meet with someone else's expectations.
My challenge to you is to stop turning your weight loss efforts into a form of competition where you need to seek the approval of others.
Just get on with it quietly in the background chipping away at your weight until you get to wherever it is you want to be, by that time you won't care what anyone thinks or says.
Change the way you have done things in the past, what have you got to lose except weight.
Are You Fed Up Being Overweight? So Was I.
My name is Grahame Cossum and I am the creator of the Weight Loss Made Easy program. I was 60lbs overweight following a serious accident until I created and implemented my unique weight loss program,I have now helped countless others to do the same. Please visit http://www.weightloss-made-easy.net to find out how I can help you to lose weight and keep it off without having to diet,pop pills or go to the gym,and it all comes with a money back guarantee.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grahame_P_Cossum


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